EU Projects: Mediation Europe: EIRENE Project

The EIRENE Project aims to promote the existence of an European Culture of Mediation, through the design of effective and efficient communication and awareness actions.

The EIRENE Project, approved by the Directorate-General of Justice of the European Commission under the Civil Justice Programme call of 2012 (JUST/2012/JCIV/AG/3420), and coordinated by the Andalusian Public Foundation Mediara, attached to the Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs of the Government of Andalusia, gives us the opportunity of carrying out a dissemination project of mediation as an extra judicial system of conflict resolution, allowing us to design a communication strategy with an European dimension.

New times require giving new responses to conflictive situations caused by the coexistence of citizenship and the exercise of rights and obligations, to which, the usual channels demanded to the nearest administration, are unable to respond. The alternative method so dispute resolution, including mediation and arbitration, are achieving to cover that need of citizenship of having a quick and effective solution to their problems.

The objectives of this project are: to deepen the understanding of mediation as an alternative system of dispute resolution in the participating countries; to exchange experiences and design a communication strategy of mediation according to their needs; and mix and share methods and concepts.

Partners participating on the EIRENE Project:

The Andalusian Public Foundation Mediara, “Center For Mediation And Arbitration ” .
The Program for the Development of The Judicial System. (Spain)
The Helenic Center for Mediation and Arbitration “Hell Mac”. (Greece)
Padua University. (Italy)
Pragmata Politika. (Italy)
The University Stefan Cel Mare of Suceava. (Romania)
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Suceava. (Romania)
The Foundation For European Initiatives “TFEI ”. (UK)
Zavod Pip, Legal and Information Centre Maribor. (Slovenia)

Start Date - January 2013 - Duration 16 months


Partner Meeting - 10/11 April 2013,
London, UK

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.








Meetings with Field Court Chambers, Centre for Peaceful Solutions and CEDR, London April 2013.

       Field Court Chambers - 10 April 2013

      Centre for Peaceful Solutions - 11 April 2013

      CEDR - 11 April 2013

      CEDR Meeting - 11 April 2013